Architectural & Landscape Committee
Purpose of Committee: Upholds the harmonious character of our neighborhood. Reviews all requests for landscaping, placement of walls, sunscreens, storage sheds, doors, signs, yard art, flagpoles, shutters, lighting, gates, etc. A copy of the ALC Guidelines and forms may be found on the website HERE.
Meeting Date:
Tuesdays weekly and open to all residents (unless otherwise noted)
Meeting Time:
9:00 AM
Meeting Location:
Ranch House, Inspirado Room (31143 S Amenity Dr)
Who may attend:
Homeowners and contractors that have submitted a plan or have questions.
Rules for attending:
Residents that wish to have a plan reviewed must submit their plan to the front desk at the Ranch House no later than 3:00 PM the Friday prior to the Tuesday meeting. If the ALC has questions about an application, the homeowner will be contacted on Monday to tell them they should attend the meeting on Tuesday morning. It is recommended that they do so to prevent any delay in the approval of their application. Contractors are also welcome to attend. If the homeowner is not advised to attend, they are still welcome should they have any questions they wish to ask the ALC or information they wish to share. Applications will be returned to homeowners with results via email. All homeowners/contractors that wish to meet with the ALC should sign in by 9:00 AM and will be seen in the order they sign in. Once all homeowners/contractors have been seen, the meeting will adjourn and no further Committee members will be present to meet with homeowners/landscapers until the following Tuesday.
Where may I drop off completed ALC forms?
Take them to the HOA desk in the Ranch House, email them to, or mail them to SBR ALC, 31143 S Amenity Dr, Oracle AZ 85623.
Application Fee:
Member card, credit card, cash or check. Checks made payable to SaddleBrooke Ranch Homeowners Association
General ALC Application Fee - $25
Initial Landscape - $50
In-ground Spa & Pool Fee - $50
Prefabricated Spa Fee - $25
An application is required but no fee for the installation of a satellite dish, repainting home the original color and yard/wall art.
Contractor Selection
Prior to selecting a contractor, homeowners are urged to check the licensing status and records of any complaints. against specific contractors by calling the Arizona Registrar of Contractors at (602) 542-1525 in Phoenix or by going online to as well as checking with the Better Business Bureau. See the ALC Guidelines Article I, Section 5 for additional information regarding contractor selection.
Phone: 520-219-2179